2014.09 – 2019. 06 清华大学太阳集团tyc234cc,生物学,博士
2010.09 – 2014. 06 山东大学太阳集团tyc234cc,药学,学士
2023.02至今 太阳集团tyc234cc,教授/博士生导师
2019.09 – 2023.01 普林斯顿大学分子生物学系,博士后
近五年以第一作者(含共同)及共同通讯作者身份在Cell 、Nature、Cell Research、Nat. Communications、PNAS、Journal of Medicinal Chemistry等杂志发表学术论文9篇,获得1项中国专利授权。系列研究成果被编入权威钙离子通道书籍并被Faculty Opinions, Princeton Insights 及《中国科学报》等多家媒体报道与高度正面评价。
1. 重要离子通道药物药效及耐药机制解析
2. 基于结构的新型离子通道药物研发
3. 离子通道药物高通量筛选新技术、新方法
1. 欢迎报考硕士、博士研究生,具有蛋白结构解析、噬菌体筛选、抗体筛选、多肽合成经验者优先考虑。
2. 热忱欢迎应届博士毕业生或毕业两年内的博士加盟本课题组从事博士后研究。
3. 诚聘生命科学、药学相关专业背景科研助理2-3名,待遇从优。
4. 欢迎对本实验室方向感兴趣的本科生参与科研训练与完成毕业设计。
有意者请将本人详细简历、研究工作经历等相关文件发送至xia_yao@whu.edu.cn, 本课题组将会尽快通安排面试。
1. Xia Yao#, Shuai Gao#, Jixin Wang, Zhangqiang Li, Jian Huang, Yan Wang, Zhifei Wang, Jiaofeng Chen, Xiao Fan, Weipeng Wang, Xueqin Jin, Xiaojing Pan, Yong Yu, Armando Lagrutta, and Nieng Yan, Structural basis for the severe adverse interaction of sofosbuvir and amiodarone on L-type Cav channels. Cell, 185,4801-4810 (2022)
2. Shuai Gao#, Xia Yao#, Nieng Yan, Structure of human Cav2.2 channel blocked by the painkiller ziconotide. Nature, 596, 143-147 (2021)
3. Xia Yao, Yan Wang, Zhifei Wang, Xiao Fan, Di Wu, Jian Huang, Alexander Mueller, Sarah Gao, Miaohui Hu, Carol V. Robinson, Yong Yu, Shuai Gao, Nieng Yan, Structures of the R-type human Cav2.3 channel reveal conformational crosstalk of the intracellular segments. Nature Communications, 13, 7358 (2022)
4. Xia Yao#*, Shuai Gao#, Nieng Yan, Structural basis for pore blockade of human voltage-gated calcium channel Cav1.3 by motion sickness drug cinnarizine. Cell Research, 32, 946-948 (2022) (also as corresponding author)
5. Xia Yao#, Xiao Fan#, Nieng Yan, Cryo-EM analysis of a membrane protein embedded in the liposome. PNAS, 117, 18497-18503 (2020)
6. Hongwu Qian#, Xuelan Wu#, Ximing Du#, Xia Yao, Xin Zhao, Joyce Lee, Hongyuan Yang, Nieng Yan, Structural basis of low-pH-dependent lysosomal cholesterol egress by NPC1 and NPC2. Cell, 182, 98–111 (2020)
7. Hongwu Qian#, Xin Zhao#, Renhong Yan#, Xia Yao, Shuai Gao, Xue Sun, Ximing Du, Hongyuan Yang, Catherine CL Wong, and Nieng Yan, Structural basis for catalysis and substrate specificity of human ACAT1. Nature, 581, 333- 338 (2020)
8. Xia Yao#, Xiuyun Sun#, Shuyu. Jin, Ling Yang, Hongjiang Xu, Yu Rao, Discovery of 4-aminoquinoline-3- carboxamide derivatives as potent reversible bruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibitors for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 62, 6561–6574 (2019)
9. Xiuyun Sun#, Jun Wang#, Xia Yao#, Wen Zheng, Yang Mao, Tianlong Lan, Liguo Wang, Yonghui Sun, Xinyi Zhang, Qiuye Zhao, Jiangguo Zhao, Ruiping, Xiao, Xiuqin Zhang, Guangju Ji, Yu Rao, A chemical approach for global protein knockdown from mice to non-human primates. Cell Discovery, 5:10 (2019)
#equal contributions